Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Vegan Chai Latte Mini-Cupcakes

I made these for the potluck I mentioned at the end of my last post. The amount of batter that would have made 12 or 13 regular sized cupcakes made about 35 teeny ones; just a tablespoon of batter per cup instead of the 1/4 cup for ordinary sized ones. Baking them all was a trial, but the flavour was fantastic! I didn't have enough cardamom so I substituted half of it with garam masala. My Saudi Arabian friend was appalled ("That's for CHICKEN!") but I thought they came out just fine :D

and for size:

I got the little liners at cost plus; what an impulse buy. Since I got tiny cupcake pans, I've been all about the little novelty liners. The cucpakes were a hit at the party and I still had enough leftover to share with friends and save some batter in the freezer for next time I'm having a craving. Which never happens, but I like knowing it's there :)

ETA: The frozen and then baked cupcakes were a disaster! I learned that technique for muffins, but it does NOT apply to cupcakes: they came out weirdly peaked, with a tough outer crust and a mushy inside. Fortunately, they tasted good!

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