Monday, April 11, 2011

Fancy drinks for the destitute!

My best friend in college used to always order the same thing at every coffee shop. She called it a "Florentine," which is the fancy name for a drink that is half hot cocoa and half black coffee. When we were at a coffee shop in Madrid, NM last summer, she asked for a Florentine and the guy behind the counter had no idea what she was talking about, so she explained. When he heard what it was he laughed and said "We've always called that a poor-man's mocha!"

Well folks, I've just figured out the poor-girl's MATCHA!! The office I'm working at right now has an electric teapot (GODSEND) and a stash of tea, but no stash of sweeteners save a grubby box of confectioners sugar (wtf?) and some of that powdered coffee-mate crap. I found by accident today that if you make a hot cup of strong green tea and mix in powdered sugar and coffee-mate, it actually tastes just like powdered MATCHA, at a fraction of the price!! Try it, kids!

x o x o x

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